A very Discipline intelligent and Exemplary mentor. I can still remember when I was in my Journalism Training School with my co Students, he was our lecture also our HOD. He teaches with passion to the full extent that a lay man can understand. He teaches to inculcate the best he can , he dedicated his time for us as well, not for money or commission. He always said "Journalism is a sacrifice". 

These days in school, his class is always interesting and interactive, he  always give his word of advice to us, he stregthen us and motivate us. He sacrifices so much for his student. Then, he teached English in  Journalism, News writing techniques, Broadcasting and more. He is an experienced veteran Journalist, fluent and deligent. Through his efforts, advices and blessings of Allah, all of his student (I was his student too) are now  proud of him in every different hierarchy with the passion of Journalism.

"Baba Adewale" as fondly called by his students does not show indiscipline what a great displomatic mentor. His words are not abusive, his actions are not illegal, while his relationship and company is always what we yell for. He always advice "Strive for perfection, keep writting writting writting!!!" Wow!!! That's why I love this Great Man.

He teaches Honesty, Truthfulness and Respect, all these are part of his zeal. This has always be his word "Journalism is Truth, Truth is Sacred, don't be a yellow Journalist" Kudos!!!, That was how we were brought up with his zeal of humanity.

Great Man, Man of Value!. He called me "Salaudeen" with his American Tongue, I've always like to spend my time with him, he writes a lot, read a lot and comment on any social issues (nationally and internationally). He's an extremist who can turn the white sheet dark with his pen within seconds, he always advice "Read always, make reading your Habit, Readers are Leaders, A non reading Journalist is a dead Journalist"

A mentor is not just a Mentor but who teaches, advices, guides and look after his students. He has always give an insight on my publications online, add his experience or make correction. He has once said to me "Old Journalist never die, they just keep journaling".

To cast it up, Almighty Allah definitely spare this man to live to liberate my existence likewise others from the wallowing of ignorance and destruction. He changed my Journalism ideas, thinking, skills and Creativity through his Methodology of Coaching.

Penned by
Journalist Wakeel


Great Journalist: Veteran Adewale Adewunmi

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