Ask me nothing, I'm seriously in pain,
My life seems to appear as  an empty dream!
And things are not seem to be normal,
Light seems not to be at the end of tunnel,
For souls in me are dieing of hunger but my driver said they are enjoying their slumber,
And things are not what they seem.

My country! The only lion's den i know.
And the grave is not its goal;
Our leaders,why all this satanic behaviors?
Are you really leading us? 
You're killing not only our dream but also our souls.

No enjoyment in my country,
Should I say everywhere is full of sorrow?
Where is this flood bearing us to?
Our destined end or way to a new dawn?
We'd expected today to be more better than our yesterday.
 Tomorrow,be quick,but hope it won't bear 
 us farther than today?

Time is fleeting,
But the heart of NIGERIANS stand like muffled drums,beating 
Funeral marches to the grave.

Death don't be too proud,
We shall surely answer your dearest call,
Though some of us have called for you,
In the world’s broad field of battle,
In a country where liveless creatures are not given opportunity to take their enternal rest,
What a life!
Oh death!
Be not like deaf, driving the one that plans to take his life,
Be a hero in the strife,
Kill those political FRAUDTERS 
that call themselves LEADERS.

For the blood of masses is flowing even more than river Nile!
Is this a democratic state?
See how worst her decision making!
Let's announce to the world,
for this is the 'dictatorial principle' my government teacher taught me.

Writers' pens are no more bleeding,
Its inks had finished on satirical write-ups
Writers can't write in peace,
When last had their pens' 'belle' full?

They tell us everyday to get our PVC,
Though we prepare to join a long Queue 
To have our voting power,
But this long queue at the bank ATM is not for 'Children'

Wanna improvise these street banks, called 'POS'
Should I say this is 'IDAMẸWA'?
This 10-40 Percent charges is not fair.
I will afterall manage the Point of Service,
All for me to stand under smiling sun,
To join an unorganized long queue at the filling station,
 I shall manage to buy this impure fuel, even,at this huge amount!
What a life of an orphan country!

Our forefathers,our dead!
Your sleep is too deep,
Our NATIONALIST LEADERS, meet with their (the British) dead,
For they need to teach us,
How we can run this country.

Our HEROES! Your labour is going gradually in vain.
Rise again,
Sew us a new garment,
We need to wear a garment you sew.
Let's take a new outlook,
And our dieing country Shall Wake,
And let's be great again.

Penned by: I.A.O.
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